How to create an alphabetical drop down list (jump menu) of taxonomy terms.
Here’s the problem:
- You have a custom taxonomy and you need to create a taxonomy dropdown list, similar to the WordPress category dropdown option.
- You need to have multiple taxonomy dropdowns for the child terms within the taxonomy. (get_term_children)
- These term lists should be sorted alphabetically.
- When selected the term should link to its archive page with a nice pretty permalink. (jump menu)
- The term for the archive page should remain selected in the menu to indicate where you are. (A little javascript.)
Example custom taxonomy:
- term_1
- term_1-child_1
- term_1-child_2
- term_2
- term_2-child_1
- term_2-child_2
WordPress has a handy function: wp_dropdown_categories…
BUT! Even using the code straight out of the codex (as of 6-23-2016) which has a nice set of arguments including custom taxonomy and terms, the permalinks look horrible… ?cat/ blah blah. Ugly.
The solution is to build a custom form using a little javascript and get_term_children.
Here’s the php:
function my_term_dropdown( $termVAR ) {
// To use this function call it in a page template like this:
// my_term_dropdown( 12 )
// Replace 12 with the ID of the parent term which you want to display the child terms of.
// This function can be used multiple times on a page to create multiple custom taxonomy dropdowns.
<form action="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>/" method="get">
$term_id = $termVAR; //setup the main variable to feed the function
$taxonomy_name = 'my_tax_name'; //put your taxonomy slug here
$termchildren = get_term_children( $term_id, $taxonomy_name );
//this section sets up the parent taxonomy to link the top level item.
$parenttaxArray = get_term_by( 'id', $term_id, $taxonomy_name );
$parenttaxName = $parenttaxArray ->name;
$parenttaxSlug = $parenttaxArray ->slug;
$children = array(); //create an array of terms and sort it alphabetically
foreach ($termchildren as $child) {
$term = get_term_by( 'id', $child, $taxonomy_name );
$children[$term->name] = $term;
echo '<select name="' . $taxonomy_name . '" onchange="this.form.submit()">';
echo '<option value='. $parenttaxSlug .'>
<a href="' . bloginfo('url') . '/' .$term->slug . '/' . $parenttaxSlug . '">Filter by: ' . $parenttaxName . '</a>
</option>'; //This is the first option, the parent of the term.
foreach ( $children as $child ) {
$term = get_term_by( 'id', $child->term_id, $taxonomy_name );
echo '<option value="'. $term->slug .'">' . $term->name . '</a></option>';
echo '</select>';
// The javascript makes it link automatically, otherwise fall back: ?>
<noscript><div><input type="submit" value="View" /></div></noscript>
<?php }
// This script selects the category in the dropdown menus when it is the active category.
// This script requires that you have category archive titles like this: Category: term_name
// The selectors will have to be modified to match your site.
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
var categoryName = document.querySelector(".content h1.archive-title");
if ( categoryName ) {
var categoryNamevalue = categoryName.innerHTML.replace('Category: ','');
jQuery('.category-filter select option').filter(function() {
return (this.text.indexOf(categoryNamevalue) >= 0);
}).attr('selected', "selected");
This code was based on the code over here.