Whole property irrigation design, combined gravity and pressure.
Wildwood Designs INC, Cabinetry Site Homepage
Top Dog Tours - Website Screenshot
website snapshot
website snapshot
lovage screenshot
Permaculture Garden Design Western Colorado
North Fork Auction - Website Design Snapshot
Melinda Bienkowski Feng Shui Website Snapshot

Western Colorado Realty.com Website

Web Design for Western Colorado Realty.com

  • A custom Wordpress website built on the Genesis Framework
  • Responsive, HTML5
  • Custom IDX Broker integration – real estate search and listings
  • Other features: Agent Bio Pages, Blog, Local Area Section, Client testimonials
  • Visit the site

“…it has been a pleasure to work with you on this and I really appreciate your ability to deal with my limited ability / time to help. ” – Mike Jackson

Western Colorado Realty.com Website

AAMET International Web Design and Rebranding


  • A customized Wordpress website built on the Genesis Framework.
  • Responsive, HTML 5
  • An extensive payed membership system for 3000+ members
  • Membership directories and individual profiles
  • Events Management and member event publishing
  • Member article publishing
  • SSL Security
  • Visit the site

“Just wanted to say that it was a pleasure processing the January PayPal accounts today – as Treasurer, I can see I am beginning to reap the benefits of all your listening, hard work, thought-through design and brilliant programming skills. ” – AAMET Treasurer

AAMET International Web Design and Rebranding

Permaculture Farm Design, Paonia Colorado

The main objective of this project is to think through, design, organize and prioritize the daily operation and future development of a local 7 acre vegetable farm using permaculture design methods.

Main objectives include:

  1. Create an overall farm plan and map
  2. Update the vegetable farming methods
  3. Improve the windbreak / edible hedge
  4. Chicken zone design and perennials
  5. Generate income
  6. Choose and develop plans for perennial crops
  7. Develop a plan for implementing education on the farm including internships
  8. Choose and plan the vegetable crops
    1. Must be ready for spring planting
Permaculture Farm Design, Paonia Colorado
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