Flowers that Make Great Cut Flowers for a Colorado Perennial Garden

Flowers are the essential part of many plants’ life cycles. They are also crucial to the life cycle and nourishment of insects and birds. Many beneficial insects need the sweet nectar from a flower to sustain themselves.  Ladybugs are a great example of this, if there aren’t enough aphids around for lunch they look for flower pollen and nectar. The […]

Flowers that Make Great Cut Flowers for a  Colorado Perennial Garden

Forest Gardening in Western Colorado

What is forest gardening?

Forest gardening is a way of gardening that mimics natural ecosystems. Through observation and study we learn the patterns and principles that make a living system resilient, self-replicating, productive, efficient and diverse. We then take these principles and apply them to our home gardens, orchards, hedgerows and wood-lots.

I think about forage gardening also as forage gardening or […]

Edible, Cold & Drought Tolerant Plant List for Western Colorado Landscapes & Gardens

Edible Landscaping and Forest Gardening in the High Desert Steppes

Edible Western Colorado Native: Golden Current, with bright orange berries.Direct seeding is best in the fall or early spring as soon as the ground thaws. Transplanting can be done in the fall or early spring as well, however coniferous trees and some deciduous trees and shrubs like lavender, and hazelnut require winter water and are prone to failure if planted in the fall and left without water.

Some super benifical fall-planted cover crop plants: daikon, vetch, rye and wheat.

The late summer/early fall is the perfect time to think about fall planted cover crops. Cover cropping is not just for big acreage, it’s great for gardens and even small container gardens.

The main objectives of planting a cover crop are to maintain soil fertility by holding or adding carbon and nitrogen in the soil and by controlling weeds. Cover cropping also attracts bees, other beneficial insects and can prevent erosion.
Cover crop between old millet crop.

Spring Garden Abundance – Lemon Asparagus Sauté

Melliodora – Hepburn Permaculture Gardens

Visiting David Holmgren’s property as an intern I had a distinct experience of abundance and harmonizing with the seasons.  This was specifically related to food and eating. Modern food culture is one of instant gratification, at any given moment those with access and money can have just about anything they want. I make this […]

Spring Garden Abundance – Lemon Asparagus Sauté

How to build soil like nature does – soil science basics for beginners

Its dark. You are surrounded by giant flesh eating amoebas. You can’t move very fast… Welcome to the world of the bacteria, the smallest but most abundant member of the soil food web. Often feared but essential, whether directly or indirectly, for the survival of almost all other living organisms on earth.

The Soil.

Good soil is alive soil. It’s texture is […]

How to build soil like nature does –  soil science basics for beginners

Growing in Cold frames, a jumpstart on spring

Growing in cold frames

by Aaron – November 18th, 2012 (edit)

It is completely possible to be eating fresh veggies year round.   The idea is to get most of the growing done before the really cold and dark months, December and January. Across those months we’ll just harvest.

I have picked out cold-germinating, frost tolerant seeds to plant as the idea is […]